10-Year-Old Pulls Gun Over Candy Theft Joke

Here we have a case, not so much of a stupid criminal as a life lesson: Never joke about stealing a kid’s Halloween candy.

In Aiken, South Carolina, an unnamed trick-or-treater was making his candy collection rounds with about eight other kids.


Three Men Arrested for Shooting Trick-or-Treating Kids with Paintballs

Three young men have been arrested after shooting a group of children dressed up in Halloween costumes while trick-or-treating in North Miami.

Marc Dolcine, 18, Rodson Travine, 19, and Darrel Labranche, 21, are now facing charges of aggravated battery.


What Does the Candy Your Neighbors Hand Out on Halloween Say About Them?

Looking for a quick way to judge your neighbors without actually knowing them? Just pay attention to what kind of candy they give your kids tonight.


Americans Will Spend $310 Million This Year on Halloween Pet Costumes

According to the National Retail Federation, Americans are expected to spend $6.68 billion on Halloween this year.

Included in that sum is an astounding $310 million spent on costumes for people’s pets. Give Americans credit: We can suffer through a recession, gross economic turmoil, a foreclosure epidemic, and a tepid stock market, but we sure as shit aren’t skimping on the dog costumes.


Today Show vs. Regis & Kelly: Who Makes the Better Royal Family?

The Royal Family was a popular costume with the morning shows, but who pulled off the Royal Wedding best?! On this Halloween spooky and scary were not the…


How to Choose Your Halloween One Night Stand Wisely (Infographic)

This infographic predicts what dirsty secrets shes hiding under that costume.


Halloween: 10 dumb ways to end up in the ER

Halloween meant to be spooky? Absolutely.

But too often “boo” gives way to “boo hoo,” as trick-or-treaters sustain cuts, scrapes, and other injuries big and small. Here are 10 dumb ways parents can wind up in the emergency room with an injured child on Oct. 31…


Best Halloween Costume Design Ever (Pic)

Best Halloween Costume Design Ever (Pic)


The Seven Saddest Costumed Pets on Etsy

The life of a domesticated animal may seem like one of total bliss,
but that ain’t always the case.

While it’s true that most pets are
fed, groomed, and tended to by their owners (the responsible one, at
least), they’re often subject to the various whims and emotional
mood-swings of their care-givers. Halloween is the worst time of year
for most of these pets who suffer the indignity of wearing a weird,
awkward, or uncomfortable costume, carefull


7 Creepy Urban Legends That Happen to be True (Part 5!)

Halloween’s nearly here, and that means Cracked is once again out to prove that the tales that scared you shitless as a kid could actually kill you as an adult….


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