N.J. Woman Makes “Wall Of Shame” With $102K In Toll Bridge Fines

Jean Davis owes the New Jersey Port Authority $102,141 in fines “ more than any other individual “ but claims it’s because of her drug addicted son.

Davis made the Port Authority’s recently released “Wall of Shame,” a list consisting of individuals and companies that owe the most money to the state due to unpaid tolls and fees.


How to Sell Your Excess Crap for Cash in Just a Few Hours with Amazon’s Fulfillment Program

Got crap? Want money instead? Amazon has a neat program that essentially lets you dump old books, movies, gadgets, and more in a box, send it to them, and then wait for the money to roll in.


Telecom Rip-Off: The Hidden Fees in Your Wireless and Phone Bills

The telecom industry is squeezing more money out of customers without delivering any new or improved service.


Speed Tests: Mac OS X Lion vs. Windows 8 Developer Preview

Windows 8 promises to give Mac OS X Lion a run for its money when it comes to speed.


Meganomics: The Future of Follow-the-Money Copyright Enforcement

As last week’s arrest of Megaupload owner Kim Dotcom emphasized, the main character in the SOPA/PIPA debate is the foreign ‘thief’.

Hes everywhere”robbing Americans of their creativity, jobs, and money. Worse, hes enjoying himself. As the Chamber of Commerce put it: The criminals behind these sites are laughing all the way to the bank, stealing the best of American creativity and innovation at the expense of our jobs and consumers.


Moody’s lowers Illinois credit rating, again

Illinois has been given the lowest credit rating of any state in America …

No other state has such a low rating … California is next to last … A lower rating means the state has to pay more interest when it sells bonds. That increases costs to taxpayers …Illinois officials have not taken steps to end chronic delays in paying bills or to strengthen government pension systems that are short of money … Illinois suffers from weak managemen


Anonymous to Banks: “‘We have come to take the 99%’s money back”

Anonymous and other hacktivists have joined together to launch an attack on banks in response to recent crackdowns against the Occupy protest movement.

TeaMp0isoN and Anonymous are joining forces to run OpRobinHood, which will involve using stolen credit details to donate to charities and others, supposedly at the expense of banks.


Jason Hiner’s 10 best tablets of 2011

New tablets have hit the market week after week throughout 2011, but here are the 10 best that are worth your attention, and your money.



The 1% May Have All the Money, But the 2% Have All the Intelligence

Or, perhaps not.


Stephen Colbert’s – The Donating Game

Three eligible anonymous billionaires get the chance to put their money where Stephen’s mouth is.


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