You Dont Know Mitt: 99 Facts About Mitt Romney

In the race for the Republican presidential nomination, the media has focused on a succession of colorful Republican contenders and pretenders: Sarah Palin, Donald Trump, Michele Bachmann, and Herman Cain. Meanwhile Mitt Romney, still the odds-on favorite to capture the GOP nomination, has entered the Mittness Protection Program, avoiding scrutiny whenever possible.

As a result, his actual views and record are still largely unknown. To so


Hey, Sarah Palin, Electric Cars Make Hunting Easier

Electric car owners arent necessarily known for their love of hunting — and those who hunt arent usually known for their love of electric cars either.

After all, gun-toting, gas-guzzling, Russia-spying, former Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin loves to hunt — and her motto of…


FreakOutNation Karl Rove Gives a Gift to Dems: Believes Sarah Palin Will Run for President

On Fox News this morning Karl Rove, a long-time critic of Sarah Palins, as if presenting a gift to Democrats, stated that he believes the half-term Governor of Alaska will enter the Republican Presidential race around Labor Day.


Why Lewis Black Doesn’t Do Sarah Palin Jokes [Video]

On a recent episode of Showtime’s In the Green Room with Paul Provenza , comedian Lewis Black explains why he doesn’t poke fun at Sarah Palin. ..


The Internet Is For Porn (So Let’s Talk About It)

Porn is officially as mainstream as Sarah Palin, and like it or not, its time we take off our blindfolds and deal with it.

For those of us who surf the Web in perpetual SafeSearch mode, the Internet is actually for porn.


Sarah Palin, quit bashing Obama

Your stint on Twitter has not been a resounding success.

Leave the president alone and pick on someone who’s more your level


Voters have warm feelings for Michelle Obama, Chris Christie

The first lady and the N.J. governor top a survey that takes voters temperatures on political figures. Sarah Palin, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid had the most negative ratings.


As Egypt Descends in Chaos, Should Sarah Palin Support a US-Led Invasion?

The escalating crisis in Egypt could become a defining moment for Sarah Palin.

Rioters have taken over the streets, top presidential cabinet members have fled the country and numerous reports of Christians having their phone and internet services cut off have reached America. The thirty-year rein of Hosni Mubarak may be finally reaching an end.


Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck Collude to Rewrite Their History of Violent Rhetoric

Recognizing their own perceived complicity in the Arizona shootings, Right Wing political leader Sarah Palin and Right Wing conspiracy artist Glenn Beck are desperately trying to generate heat behind their PR spin that they are not guilty of using incendiary language and so have nothing to do with the culture of violence that many suggest may have led to the Arizona mass murderers. And they do this through such a falsely contrived, obviously orc


Zuckerberg: ‘Is Sarah Palin To Blame For AZ Shooting’ Top Question On Facebook Today

No one yet knows why Jared Loughner gunned down a group of people in Arizona yesterday at a ‘corner talk’ hosted by Rep.

Gabrielle Giffords, but if Facebook activity any measure Sarah Palin is going to have to address the issue, and her ‘Take Back’ gun sights map, beyond yesterday’s short Facebook note.
Earlier this morning Randi Zuckerberg participated in a live talk about the shootings and told ABC News reporter Dan Harris that the


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